Mercedes-Benz Repairs and Services in Puyallup, WA

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Mercedes-Benz Repairs & Services in Puyallup, WA

Mercedes-benz History

Did you know that the very first car was made by a man named Karl Benzin in 1886?, That car, known as the Benz Patent Motorwagen, was the first gas-powered automobile ever created. However, it wasn’t until 1901 that the Mercedes mark was first marketed. The full brand name and company was then created in 1926 with the merging of two companies – that of Karl Benz and Gottlieb Daimler. They eventually developed a higher standard than most automakers and became a luxury brand. While many automakers claim to be the most technologically advanced, Mercedes can actually back that up. As a luxury brand, Mercedes Benz has been on the cutting edge of new technology and has invented many important features, including the first antilock braking system. Today, you can buy more than two dozen different Mercedes models, all ranging in style and preference from compact to sedan to sport. Whether you’ve opted for the sleek CLS-Class or the toned-down E-Class, Mercedes modern vehicles are known as one of the highest-quality cars in the world. At Kassel Motorsports we provide Mercedes service every day to keep these luxury vehicles driving at their top performance.

Mercedes Maintenance

Regardless of how old your Mercedes is, you should always remain current with maintenance to keep the life of your vehicle at its maximum longevity. There are usually time frame differences based on the model and year of your Mercedes vehicle. Your car should indicate to you when it’s time for service with a light indicator. However, as the vehicle’s owner, you’ll want to have a general idea of what to expect in order to avoid pushing your vehicle’s limits and possibly causing a bigger issue to occur.

For Mercedes-Benz vehicles we recommend three types of service. First is the oil change. Second is Inspection I, then Inspection II. Over the course of your Mercedes’s life, your Mercedes service schedule should look something like this: oil change, Inspection I, oil change, Inspection II, oil change, repeat. You’ll want to read your owner’s manual and take note of mileage and service lights indicating when you should take in your Mercedes for servicing.

During the oil change, we’ll check on a couple of other things too. Changing the oil and oil filter are priorities, but we’ll also look at your brake pads & rotors, clean the brake contact points, and check the parking brake. During Inspection I, we’ll inspect larger systems such as transmission fluids, struts and shocks, fuel tank and fuel lines, and the exhaust system.  Inspection II includes the air filter, serpentine belt, oxygen sensor, and spark plugs. It might seem like a lot to do, but keep in mind that each inspection is between oil changes, and Inspections I and II alternate. This Mercedes service schedule is designed to spread out costs and keep the whole vehicle in good shape.

While all features need to be serviced regularly, it’s important to know that a common Mercedes issue is with the electrical system. The electrical system includes the battery and the alternator. The battery itself is sometimes the problem, but most often the problem lies with the alternator, which produces the electricity that is stored in the battery. If the alternator is not working properly the battery won’t be recharged and will run out of power quickly. If you think you need repair services for your alternator or battery, let our expert technicians handle the repair!

Mercedes Benz Auto Repairs

Keeping up a regular maintenance schedule will ensure your Mercedes Benz is a luxury that lasts. However, it doesn’t mean you’ll avoid all repairs. When your Mercedes vehicle needs auto repair, bring it to Kassel Motorsports in Puyallup. We use cutting-edge technology to diagnose any issues, and our technicians are experts in European auto repair. You can trust that our company will deliver on our promise of quality repair every time. We’ll get you back on the road in no time!

How to Contact Kassel Motorsports in Puyallup, WA

If you have any questions about Puyallup Mercedes service, contact us! You can also schedule an appointment online or call us between the hours of 7:00 am and 6:00 pm. European and German cars are our specialty and we take great pride in our work!


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